Leanne Murphy

Certified Practitioner since March 2024

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I am a registered mental health nurse specialising in alcohol problems working in the NHS.  This can range from seeing patients who are chronically dependent or patients in acute crisis.  I have a passion for helping people to become unstuck from what is holding them back.  I have been on a journey to create my own coaching and healing business.  I have developed a 12 week coaching programme delivered on a 1:1 basis to empower people to have a healthier relationship with alcohol.  I know from my years of experience that people don’t start out with the intention of having a problem with alcohol and often it can be past trauma, anxiety disorders and negative emotions that can be the trigger. 

The incorporation of Havening into my practice creates transformations that are so profound that it provides clients freedom from what has been holding them back. 

The Havening aspect of my practice will also be available to clients that don’t have a difficulty with alcohol but just feel held back by past trauma, emotions, anxieties, phobias, cravings and more to break free and move onto a happier future.

Areas of specialization

Addictions, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Anxiety, Fear of flying, Panic attacks, Phobias, Depression, Low self-confidence, Low self-esteem, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Relaxation, Stress, Grief, Self-Belief, Self-Development, Confidence, Empowerment

